Church Meetings
In a constant desire to remain open to God and develop a structure that can remain a wineskin into which God can pour new wine, the meeting structure of the church is constantly changing but the major elements are as follows:

Sunday Worship
Our Sunday service starts at 10.30am but we meet together beforehand for coffee from 10am. Sometimes the emphasis in the service will be on a time of worship and teaching but increasingly the church is looking to develop a style of worship that accommodates an element of interaction and ministry within the congregation. As well as being part of the service the children have their own group called Vine Time (see below)

House groups are a key building block within the church. They meet in the homes around Ledbury and the emphasis is on teaching and bible study as well as fellowship and supporting each other spiritually and practically.

The church actively encourages its congregation to become involved in the 7/12/7 prayer initiative which seeks to draw people from all the churches in the town as they come together to pray each Thursday at 7am, 12pm and 7pm
Vine Time
Vine Time meets on Sunday morning at the same time as the main service. It is designed for children aged up to 11. There are fun activities and an opportunity to learn about the amazing God we all worship